Live event
Televíziós Újságírók Díja
Television Journalists' Awards was initiated by Mr. Szabolcs Kenderessy in 2014. We are committed to quality programming, so we joined to the initiative as a production company. Since then, this award has become a significant professional recognition of content creation.
Game show
Intervilles International
Intervilles International gives an opportunity to the participating countries to compete against each other in a funny and entertaining way. The format gained great success in all of the participating countries to date.
Quiz Show
Who's Asking?
A game show that is not just about what questions the participants must answer, but who is asking them. Whether it’s the bus driver, your doctor, or a streetwise grandma – each has a question for the contestants. Instead of picking the type of questions to be asked, the 2 pairs of contestants must select an "asker" from the faces on the screen in front of them. In a game show where looks do matter, the contestants must follow their intuition to compete for the grand prize.
Bike Track presents practical technical advices, exciting stories about the history of biking and lots of interesting facts in the world of racing, city biking, and extreme bikes.